Psychological counseling And Therapy Services

1. Psychological Assessment

Psychological Assessments are crucial for understanding the nature of concerns experienced by the child. We focus on exploring the severity, duration, frequency as well as the impact of the concerns on the functionality of the child.

An assessment is not just used for diagnosing the condition, but is used for several purposes like empowering the families, identifying the strengths of the child and family and providing a detailed plan of management which includes professional interventions as well as accommodations and modifications which can be made in the child’s environment for the child to flourish and actualize potential. 

At our center, we conduct assessments for the following conditions:

  • Intellectual Deficit 
  • Developmental Deficit 
  • Learning Disability
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 
  • Psychological Disorders – Mood disorders, Anxiety Disorders
  • Personality Disorders 
  • Behavioural Issues

The assessments conducted to explore the above mentioned challenges include:

  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV (WISC-IV)
  • Malins Intelligence Scale for Indian Children (MISIC)
  • Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM)
  • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM)
  • Gesell’s Drawing Test (GDT)
  • Segiun Form Board Test (SFBT)
  • Developmental Screening Test (DST)
  • Developmental Profile 3
  • Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS)
  • Conners’ Teacher & Parent Rating Scale – Revised
  • Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)
  • Indian Scale for Assessment of Autism (ISAA)
  • Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ)
  • NIMHANS Specific Learning Disability
  • Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) 
  • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
  • Children Apperception Test (CAT)
  • House Tree Person (HTP)
  • Sacks Sentence Completion Test (SSCT)
  • Draw a Person Test (DAP)
  • Specific Tools for assessment of Anxiety related disorder, Mood related disorder etc. 

Each assessment is conducted in a child centered approach, bringing out not just their difficulties but strength areas too. 

The above assessments are conducted by experienced licensed professionals recognised by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). 

CCAW provides psychological therapies for children, adolescents, and young adults who face various social, emotional & behavioural challenges. The therapists at CCAW aim to create a collaborative space to explore a person’s difficulties in a safe and confidential setting with the aim to help a person better understand their feelings in the context of their past experiences. This helps the individual feel a greater sense of happiness, empowerment, or perhaps feel less affected by particular experiences.

The therapies provided at CCAW are:

a) Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing:

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is an APA (USA) approved therapeutic approach that helps reduce posttraumatic stress. It assists in letting go of distressing thoughts and feelings associated with traumatic experiences as well as in increasing positive emotions of calm and confidence.

Desensitization – Desensitization refers to an individual becoming comfortable with the memory of an event perceived as fearful, but is currently over and now harmless.

Reprocessing – Reprocessing involves understanding a memory, ensuring that it becomes more useful than just fearful. This may often include replacement of negative thoughts related to the event with positive inputs and insights.

Trauma Counseling is effective for children, adolescents and young people with:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Phobias and panic disorder
  • Anxiety and Depression related to any psychological trauma.
  • Excessive grief due to the loss of loved ones
  • Trauma (due to accident, assault, natural disaster)
  • Sexual assault
  • Somatoform disorders (Body dysmorphic disorder)
  • Personality disorders


b) Behaviour Modification:

A psychotherapeutic intervention, behaviour modification aims to reduce maladaptive behaviours in children and adults by identifying the antecedent and consequences of the problem behaviour(s) and manipulating certain variables through reinforcers. With consistent practice the new behaviour gets established, making the effects of behaviour modification long lasting even after the behavioural plan is no longer in place.

Behaviour modification is effective for children, adolescents, and young people with:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Phobias
  • Certain aspects/symptoms of autism


c) Play Therapy:

A lot of times children and adolescents find it difficult to find the right words to express their emotions and problems to their parents or other adults. Play therapy utilizes play, children’s natural medium of expression, to help them express their feelings more easily through toys instead of words. As children play, they become comfortable and more open in being themselves and sharing their feelings. This gives the therapists an opportunity to connect with children and help them explore their emotions and gain insights into their problems. This self awareness and understanding gives children an opportunity to develop new coping mechanisms and in time a behavioural shift is also observed.

Play therapy can be used with various children, including children who have:

  • Witnessed physical or emotional trauma
  • Witnessed conflict or have been bullied
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Been displaying behavior or conduct issues
  • Issues with anxiety or sadness
  • Difficulty coping with their immediate environment


d) Expressive Arts Therapy:

Expressive arts therapy is a multimodal approach combining psychology and the creative process to promote personal growth and healing. The focus in this approach is less focussed on the mind making shifts or coming up with answers, but rather, it trusts that by creative expression, the mind and body will find a way to process and resolve some pressing issues. 

Expressive Arts Therapy includes:

  • Visual art 
  • Music
  • Dance/ Movement 
  • Writing 
  • Play
  • Drama